The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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The Lexington Heraldi

Lexington, Kentucky

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THE LEXINGTON HERALD State Society Markets Classified And General News Lexington Ky Thursday Morning July 9 1964 23 Chairman Makes Estimate Kentucky's Republican Delegation V' By 8Y KAM8SY FRANKFORT (AP) -Kentucky Republican delegation GOP Toor Noisy LOUISVILLE tin Louisville police toned down the Scranton-far-Presideut campaign Wednesday Officers cited personnel at Scranton headquarters and said the volume was too high on a loudspeaker on Fourth Street" The ticket could cost Scranton supporters $10 mooooooooooooooooooo Barbara Pearaea Lynnfield Mau right aaapa a pictara SMILE SCIIOOL MAE MS her tMirfaii fallow sehael appears to be lined up 20-4 for Sen Barry Goldwater as dential nominee' state chal Ted Hardwick said Wednesday He estimated the' remaining four favor Pennaylvania Gov Willfem Scranton who ir trying to reverse the tide at the national convention But Hardwick declined to divide the delegates by name into specific camps teachers with the rawmaad af Churchill Dawai ran (rack ss the backdrop Ike seven Ysakee achaol aurau drasaed la Mae Jean Jure tavaded hi with their geal to (AT Wbephata) iha loath lira aa motorcycles aad the other two by a ate all get San Fraaciaea aad back ta New York before 7 Young Yankee School Teachers Invade South All In Fun On Summer Vacation Trip 4 Youths Held First Section Of Danville's New Street Lights Turned On Up to now four to eight delegates had been regarded as uncommitted or had not disclosed their choice -most made their feelings known privately Cites Two Eventa Hardwick said two mead events seem to have drawn the Kentucky lines more Sen Everett decision to nominate Goldwater and failure to enlist massive support The exact delegate tally may become known Sunday afternoon after the Kentuckians hold an informal caucus at their motor hotel on Wharf Hardwick prefers not to call the- meeting a caucus bee no one is bound by any rules or HARRODSBURG Ky July (Special) Four Hmrrodsburg and Mercer- County youths waived examining trial on van-adliam charges today and were held to the October grand Jury by County Judge Oscar Sanders They were rdeaaed on 2500 bond each Three of tiie suspects were arrested Monday They were Jerry Beckum19 of Mooreland Ave- Study Is Begun BEREA Ky July 1 (Special) recommendation of the educational policies committee of the Berea College Board of Trmteei a 10-member cooperative committee representative of the college community and city scboola has been formed to study the feasibility of a merger of the coltega and city eto-lentety and secondary schools Dr Pat- Wear elected chairman of the committee said that aspects of the merger as outlined for study included curriculum type of buildings and fa cUities needed sources of revenue and financial support a possible building site and the relationship of the school to the teacher education program of the college' Wear said the committee would continue the ptudy through the summer and submit a report of its findings to the educational policies committee in early September The latter group then wiU make a recommendation to the board of trustees -Litten Singleton was named vice chairman of the committee and MTs Mabte Todd secretary Other members are Mrs Lester Pros James Bobbitt Wilson Evans Dr Dwight Blackburn Donald Pennington Bill Hamilton and' Hensley Torleton Rogers Heads Inheritance Tax Unit FRANKFORT Ky July (A Tarleton Rogers Lex in today replaced Miss Florence Lutkemeir as Supervisor of the Inheritance Tax Section in the State Revenue Department Miss Lutkemeier wiU retire Dee 31 sfter 44 years in the Revenue Department She will remain aa an adviser until her retirement Rogers has served as a valuation standards terKwirin and assistant local property tax su-pervisor in the department DANVILLE Ky July I (Spe-f cial) The first segment of new 250000 streetlighting project was turned on at dusk Tuesday by a photoelectric cell that reacts to light and closes a circuit when darkness falls As the first lights went on tho west end of Danville was flooded with new mercury vapor lighting such as will be 'used throughout the city when the program is completed about Aug 1 Frank' Hettmanauerger superintendent of the Gilbert Co Muneie Ind which is installing the new lights for Kentucky Utilities in over-all eharge commented: "The cheapest safety money a city can spend is on KV is spending more than 250000 to install about 400 conversions and new lights which wil affect aU residents of Danville The increase in the rvi-e rhsrce for the rttv llMs hv is of KU when the present program completed will be about $835 per month company spokesmen said The monthly service charge has been running about $911 to the City of Danville the increase will make the per capita payment for city lights about 2207 based on a local population of 9000 Under the contract the city and KU the utility company will clean and relamp the system and be responsible for Its proper servicing The program was initiated after the Boyle County grand Jury recommended among other improvements that street-lighting in Danville be improved A Citizens for Progress Council for Danville was formed and has eoooerated with the Danville-Boyle County Chamber Commerce and with city and county officials in working out details to meet as far as possible the grand Jury's AHt SHOW PKRFQRMER-HaroM Krter three-time wfeaer af American flying acrobatic trophies is scheduled to put en as air show next wed at the Bailer State Park Airpart near CarroUtau It will be a featare af the ergaaizatioual meeting of the National Association of Priest Pilots 'Flying Padres' To Organize Association Put On Air Show CARROLLTON Ky July 8 "Flying win font a association present an air show at Butler State Pad next week Approximately 50 ftylng prieits an to arrive in light planes Sunday and Monday at the state park's airport They will officially organize the National As sociation of Priest Pilots The organization or will bring in Harold Krter three-time winner of American flying acrobatic trophies to lament his air show at the airpart at 8 pm Tuesday In the event of bad weather the show WiU be held at pm Wednesday Krter will fly his specially built biplane through 43 complicated maneuvers' Coordinating plans for the meeting and show are Father Henry Haacke pastor of St John Church and men of his Holy Name Society He and the church will be hosts to the priest-pilots since -he is cofounder of tiie group with Fattier Robert Wendeln of St Patrick Church MaysviUe -Both rated pilots and priests of the Diocese of Covington Father Haacke end Father Wendeln upon obtaining church ap-L early this year began a campaign to locate other priest-pilots They found nearly 300 in 34 states and seven foreign countries 1 The aim is wot only to create interest in flying as a hobby but extend uses of light planes in missionary work Formal business meetings will be held Wednesday- with a banquet at the parktodgacon- HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMOOI JFK Library Fund Reaches $20542 WEST LIBERTY Ky (A-Contributions for the John Kennedy Memorial Library at West Liberty total 220142 former Atty Gen John Brock--inridge said Wednesday bight Speaking before the West Liberty Kiwania Chib and the Morgan County Historical Society Breckinridge aaid more than 7000 Kentuckians have signed a memorial book which win be sent to Mrs John Kennedy The former First Lady will be asked to dedicate tiie building when it is completed said Breckinridge chairman of the drive HHHWHHMOOMMOQOOOOW eluding these organizational sessions Max Conrad globe-circling flying grandfather will be guest speaker at the banquet Assisting in arranging for the rant are Tom- Gabbard a State Department of Aeronautics representative Joseph Chandler director of the park lodge the Kenton County squadron of the Civil Air Patrol Mayor Charles Webster of Carrollton and other civic leaders of tiie area- To Direct FRANKFORT Ky July 8 (A Mrs: Connie Quinn Jeffer-santawn was named director of Kentucky's clean-up and beautification program today She has been assistant director since -J961 LOUISVILLE (AP) loves young Yankee Schooiteadpra dreoaed la Jeans have Invaded the Sooth but aU in fun "Vo have any mite napped oat" said Judy FaviUe a "Vo Just -And when they go everyone knows it Five of the girls an traveling- by motorcycle the other two bv auto Their eventual aim is to get to San Francisco and back to New York before school opens Tbs idea for this Spartan trek came from Karen Crockford 23 From them it spread to Judy Favllte Ann Wilkinson 23 and Jdkn Carroll aU teaching mates at Haveriing Central High School at Bath NY Karen also mentioned tho plan to Carol Gillespie 22 and she passed it along to Barbara Pearson who also teaches at Tan-nersvDIs 'NY The sevaath teacher Shirley Ostrander heard about the plan tram a friend and decided to- go along 1 only carry sleeping bags and tho Jean Car-roll reported spend almost all of our nights outside at state parks And each of us is on a budget of $5 a day' The girls who have spent four days in Kentucky have been offered help aU along the line Monday night they flared down a policeman who escorted them to tiie station house where they spent the night People in other towns have repaired everything from their motorcycles to their teeth "Them am so many things to see and people to meet that you cant gat Judy FaviUe said 1 nue Harrodsburg Charles Ashford IS Warwick Road Mercer County and Prentiss (Penny) Derringer 17 Rose Lane Mercer County The fourth William (Bill) Shewmaker 20 of Green Acres Harrodsburg who reportedly was home on furlough from Fort Knox when tiie vandalism acts committed last Thursday was returned here from Fort Knox by State Police Tuesday The vandalism Included driving a car into a tobacco Arid and a corn field through two yards (one of them twice) breaking windows in an automobile and a school bus and (lam-aging several rural mail boxes Derringer at first reported to be 18 years bid was found to be 17 and was turned over to Juvenile Court but was transferred to County Court with the others for the examining triaL Famed Carpet In Governor's Suite To Be Replaced Soon FRANKFORT (AP) The famed lO-year-old carpet in the governor's office a campaign issue in the 1955 Democratic primary election will soon be replaced The state announced Wednesday Marcus Fpipitura -Inc Frankfort was apparent low Students Earn Perfect Standings GEORGETOWN Ky July 8 (Special) Three students at Georgetown College had perfect 30 academic standings for tiie 19884 school Registrar Foley Snyder announced today They are Lawrence Ader Georgetown ivToresa Hay Rowlett Owenton and Craig Whitlock London IMRTMYEBS SHO bidder at 23049 to supply wool carpeting for the five offices the executive wing carpeting in these rooms is so won from use that the need to replace it has become Finance Conrads-oner Felix Joyner laid In the 1955 campaign farmer Gov -A Chandler charged then Gov Lawrence Wetherby with buying a 220000 rug Wetherby said it cost less than 23100 The Public Information Department Justified tiie need for carpeting in a news release: 'In addition to wear tho carpets undergo from bring walked upon by business visitors to tho office them is wear from tiie many ghmps of aightseera who wind through the five Offices each day tour guides estimate that over a half-million lighted ma into the building each year Many at them consider the trip through the governor's office a highlight of thrir Bids worn also opened on car-tor the dining room at hns'em! 5 Jatui! I For The Conventions: 1 THE 1965 iLLMmimElfiill! Just test sentiment and talk abort our he said major task in tiie past few weeks has been to ar-range comfortable accommodations for an estimated 140 Kentuckians who are going to San Francisco Went Be Downtown Everybody seems happy with what we have been able to he said could not get the downtown hotels where much of the -activity is" However Hardwick arranged rooms at another motel near the Golden Gate Bridge and at two downtown hotels The bulk of the delegation wiD stay at the wharf with the Tennessee and Alabama groups For a time Hardwick negotiated for a rental of a 104-foot yacht to be noted in San Francisco Bay Thrt fell through partly because Of the cost of moving the boat from Los Angeles "I derided boats are for boating and motels and betels are for he said The Kentucky delegation had high priority going for- it with national headquarters in the no-Utical category 'The state has two- RenuMlcan senators and two GOP representatives in Congress Lew In Finances 1 But in the category of fhun-cial contributions to the national group the state ranked low-' Kentucky was one of only two states holding elections last year and atete Republicans financed the race themselves which left practically nothing for the national kitty In addition Just about every member of tiie delegation is expected to attend a national 2500-a-phte dinner Sunday night at San Franciscoi Most of the delegates- and their 24 alternates will fly to the west coast Saturday Ed Middle-ton of Harrods Creek and Miss Edith Napier already are at the national convention as members of tiie platform committee Sig Tobacco Bam )estroyed By Fire LAWRENCEBURG Ky Joy (Special) A large tobacco barn on the Sale farm on the Paxton Road southwest of Lawreneeburg eras destroyed by fire abort 2 am today The origin of the fin was not determined but persons residing in the vicinity expressed belief was struck by lightning A quantity of hay also was reported lost in the fire The loss was estimated at $4000 partly covered by insurance Two Unhurt -A tractor-trailer truck was moved from UA 127 at 5:20 pm Tuesday after an 'accident at 1:50 pm in which the track brlver and bis son escaped fn-uries The vehicle was' operated by Yates Briages( 52 Defend 11a He was accompanied by his 15-year-old son The vehicle skidded on the wqt highway left the road and struck a tree causing the trail-to jack-knife The cargo of cucumbers and beans was not damaged The vehicle is owned by Stepp of Hendersonville NC State Ttaroer Leslie snd Sheriff John tell directed traffic until highway couM be dented Yorker Killed On Zonstniction Job PIKEVILLE Ky Ml Bennett Shortridge 28 of PhvDis hi Pike County was fatally inured Wednesday in a high-lift accident at the Millard Bridge conatruction project eight mites south of Pikevilie on 480 Authorities said machine was picking up a large rock when the high-lift rolled over twice crushing him ho governor's mansion Mareus furniture offered apparent low bid of 221 RECC Meet Is Scheduled In Harrison CYNTHIANA Ky July (Special) The annual meeting of the Harrison Rural Electric Cooperative Crip will be held Tuesday July 21 at the cooperative's form on Ky 992 Just south of Cynthiana Manager Penn announced today The meeting win begin with registration at 6 pm Girls to 22 years old whose parents sre members of the co-op am eligible to enter the beauty contest which win be held in conjunction with the annual meeting Applications for entering the contest may be obtained at the co-op office1 in Cynthiana Reports of officers and the manager win be presented and three directors will be elected Ferry Forest' billed as greatest will present a show Them also win be a musical program Organ music will be furnished by Mr Joan Tandy Third Victim Of Shooting Dies MONTTCELLO Ky (JR A family shooting that brought death to two persons claimed another victim Wednesday Norma Jean Dish man died of a shotgun wound in the abdomen She and her sister Mrs Bonnie Fulton were wounded Monday by Mrs husband Delmar 29 The sheriffs office said Fulton killed his father-ln-Iaw Mar vin Hicks 97 wounded the two women then took his own life ONE TABLE OP VALUES TO 1099 MW -1 OPEN 'TIL 9 EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT MYIEISS SHOE STORE Inc Where Radio-Television A Business-Vet A Sideline! Southlond Shopping Center Plenty of Prop Parking 2SE ZZ3 Xft.

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The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.