Places to go ice skating in the capital (2024)

Places to go ice skating in the capital (1)

The free ice skating rink at the Palace of Culture and Science opens its doors on Thursday, December 1st. Warsaw will open 12 city-funded skating rinks. The most popular and crowded are the ones at Stegny, the Old Town Square and PKiN.

There are already two ice rinks on Targówek. The next ones will be opened in December, with specific dates to be posted on their individual websites.

Ice-skating is the most urban form of winter activity. It needs a piece of even ice, skates and a little bit of sporting spirit. The city provides ice and equipment, and I have no doubts regarding the spirit. Hundreds of thousands of active Varsovians use our ice rinks every year – says Renata Kaznowska, Vice President of Warsaw.

Stegny - a home of champions

"Stegny" is a real-deal skating track. with dimensions of 400x11m. In the years 1953-1977 it acted as a natural- and, since 1980, a professional- artificially frozen track.

It hosted the World Championships and Polish Championships in high-speed skating at various distances. Today, individual and team "Skating Thursdays" competitions are played (open in a new tab).

In the previous season Stegny broke the absolute record of entrances – 107 thousand people used the track throughout the winter. The subsequent rinks in terms of attendance are the Old Town Square (38 thousand entrances), the Palace of Culture and Science (32 thousand) and Moczydło (27 thousand).

Stegny is also the largest object – 1000 people can use the outer track at one time, plus 200 on the inner ice rink. This is much more than the capacity at the Palace of Culture – 200 people, Moczydło – 150 people or the Old Town – 80 people.

Mermaid ice rink

The most fabulous urban skating rink is located on the Old Town Square. It takes the form of a circle with a diameter of 28 m, with a circle with a radius of 4.5m cut inside - home to the Warsaw Mermaid statue. Christmas lighting will be hung over the rink, as part of the holliday illumination of the capital.

The local restaurants will provide hot drinks and meals. During the operation of the ice rink, they will host food kiosks offering hot drinks and grilled dishes, bigos, pierogi, etc.

The freezing system of the ice rink has been adapted for reusable, quick assembly and disassembly. From spring to autumn, it is stored in the municipal warehouse. The platforms for the ice rink were made of a steel structure weighing approx. 12 tons. The system consists of a cooling unit and a pipe system under the ice rink, fitted with transmission pipelines. The installation is made of aluminum and weighs approx. 2 tons.

12 rinks open to the public

Urban skating rinks are already being opened. Admission to the ice rinks in Ursus, at Wesoła and Śródmieście is free of charge. In other districts, the prices of a normal ticket range from PLN 9 to PLN 20, and a discount ticket from PLN 6 to PLN 13.

You don't need your own equipment – skate rentals will be available at every ice rink. Sample price list from Moczydło: skates rental – PLN 8 first hour, next hour PLN 6, walker - PLN 12 per hour, helmet - PLN 7 per hour.

Opening hours, technical breaks, detailed price lists of equipment rentals can be found on the Aktywna Warszawa website and on the websites of individual ice rinks:

Old Town Market Square ice rink - Stołeczne Centrum Sportu AKTYWNA WARSZAWA

Ice rink in front of the Palace of Culture and Science - Stołeczne Centrum Sportu AKTYWNA WARSZAWA

Covered ice rink at Górczewska 69/73 - Stołeczne Centrum Sportu AKTYWNA WARSZAWA

Stegny skating track, Inspektowa 1 - Stołeczne Centrum Sportu AKTYWNA WARSZAWA

Covered ice rink at Rokosowska 10 - Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji Warszawy in Ochota District

Covered ice rink at Łabiszyńska 20A – Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji Warszawy in the Targówek District

Ice rink in Bródnowski Park - Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji Warszawy in the Targówek District

Covered ice rink at Gubinowska 28/30 - Centrum Sportu Wilanów

Covered ice rink at V Poprzeczna 22 - Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji Warszawy in the Wawer District

Covered ice rink at Potocka 1 - Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji Warszawy in the Żoliborz District

Covered ice rink at Armii Krajowej 72 - Urząd Dzielnicy Wesoła

Ice rink at Keniga 20 - Urząd Dzielnicy Ursus

You can check the locations on the map of the capital's ice rinks.


Places to go ice skating in the capital (2024)


Places to go ice skating in the capital? ›

Canada leads the world in estimated ice rinks per capita which provides ample opportunity for youth to learn how to skate and engage in the sport of figure skating.

Where is ice skating most common? ›

Canada leads the world in estimated ice rinks per capita which provides ample opportunity for youth to learn how to skate and engage in the sport of figure skating.

Which city in the IS has the most ice rinks? ›

Recreational ice skating and ice sports are popular past times for many Americans in a lot of cities in the United States. Of course, some cities are home to more ice rinks than others. In 2018, St. Paul, MN had the largest number with 11.8 ice rinks per 10,000 residents.

How do I find the perfect ice skate? ›

7 Tips for Buying Your Own Ice Skates
  1. Consider the skates' primary use (ice hockey, figure skating, speed skating, recreational, etc.). ...
  2. Consider your skill and experience level. ...
  3. Consider how often you'll use the skates. ...
  4. Think about your foot size. ...
  5. Do some research on different brands. ...
  6. Go for the Goldilocks fit.
Jul 7, 2020

How do you ice skate with no experience? ›

How to start ice skating
  1. Hold on to the barrier as you get onto the ice. ...
  2. Bend your knees but keep your head up. ...
  3. Make small movements, not sudden ones. ...
  4. Use your weight to help you get round the rink. ...
  5. Don't be afraid to stop. ...
  6. Be aware of your surrounding. ...
  7. Learn to get back up.

Is ice skating female dominated? ›

Figure skating is currently a feminine sport, although it was traditionally male-dominated (Adams, 2011) .

What is a place for ice skating called? ›

An ice rink (or ice skating rink) is a frozen body of water and/or an artificial sheet of ice where people can ice skate or play winter sports. Ice rinks are also used for exhibitions, contests and ice shows.

Can you figure skate on fake ice? ›

I've seen figure skaters doing complex lifts, jumps, and spins on synthetic ice – and it was virtually their first time using synthetic ice! From what I've seen, much of their confidence in the product comes from relying on sharp skates that allows them to edge in for certain moves.

Is there a trick to ice skating? ›

A key tip for any beginner is to try and look up and forward when you skate rather than down at your blades. As well as helping you to stay balanced, keeping your eyes up and looking ahead will stop you from crashing into anyone and ensure you're aware of your surroundings if you fall.

What not to do when ice skating? ›

Be sure kids know not to grab another skater to try to break their fall. Doing so usually leads to injuries to both skaters.

Where is ice skating famous? ›

Sweden. Sweden is another country that is known for figure skating, with 1.5 million skaters gliding around 400 of their ice skating rinks yearly.

What is the most popular ice skating sport? ›

Figure skating is one of the most popular winter Olympic sports. The sport was first introduced in the 1908 Summer Olympic Games and moved to become part of the Winter Games in 1924.

What percent of the population can ice skate? ›

Ice skating has been around for over a century, yet less than 5% of Americans still know how to do it.

How many ice skating rinks are in America? ›

Meanwhile, the United States was home to just over 2,100 indoor ice rinks and 500 outdoor facilities.


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