Joseph Dehonest Jordan on LinkedIn: FEBRUARY 29, 2024 FORECASTED GRANT NUMBER - CDC-RFA-DP-24-0061 ELIGIBLE… (2024)

Joseph Dehonest Jordan

Private Citizen Honest and Hard Working.

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FEBRUARY 29, 2024 FORECASTED GRANT NUMBER - CDC-RFA-DP-24-0061ELIGIBLENative American Tribal Governments, Unrestricted, non profits, others.Supporting Young Breast Cancer Survivors, Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients, and their Families************$18,400,000 **********Donna Henry 770- 448- 2462••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Multiple Approaches to Support Young Breast Cancer Survivors and Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mission at Hand :Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and second leading cause of cancer death among women. Breast cancer diagnosed in women younger than 45 is often more aggressive1, presents at an advanced stage, impacts life expectancy, and oftentimes result in physical, psychosocial, and financial challenges stemming from diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, a significant proportion of young women diagnosed with breast cancer will eventually develop metastatic breast cancer (mBC) and about 30% of women with metastatic breast cancer live 5 years 2. A recent study reported that the incidence of mBC in young women has increased by more than 2% per year, each year since 1976 to present 3. The intensity of care for mBC is significant and expensive, particularly in younger women with more aggressive and harder to treat tumors. Psychosocial and structural support services, which are services designed to help meet mental, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of survivors and their families, have the propensity to improve the quality of life among this population4,5. Within this population, there are communities who would benefit from additional survivorship support. These priority populations include, but are not limited to, women in racial/ethnic groups (e.g., African American, Asian/Pacific Islanders, Hispanic, Ashkenazi Jewish, Native American women, etc.), LGBT communities, low socio-economic groups, and women with physical or mental/emotion disabilities. This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) seeks to provide support to organizations and entities whose actions will improve the quality of life among young breast cancer survivors (YBCS) and young metastatic breast cancer patients (mBC). The outcomes of this NOFO are to 1) increase equitable access and availability of psychosocial and structural support services for YBCS, mBC patients, and their families and 2) improve patient-provider interactions during follow up and subsequent care. go to for more informationJoseph Dehonest Jordan Foundation

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  • Lesley Woolnough

    Open to discussing new opportunities in health programme management

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    IMPROVE UK is the first major programme to address these inequalities and build an infrastructure to develop a legacy of best practice sharing up and down the country.Ultimately, this will improve survival rates and address inequalities in care for all women with ovarian cancer in the UK regardless of where they live, their age or ethnicity. Results of the first pilots in theIMPROVE UKprogramme have been presented at the British Gynaecological Cancer Society annual conference in Aberdeen, Scotland on 30th June.IMPROVE UK is an innovative programme launched by Ovarian Cancer Action. It aims to significantly reduce the inequalities that ovarian cancer patients currently face in healthcare and the disproportionately low survival rates.The IMPROVE UK programme is the first of its kind and is designed to significantly improve survival rates by ensuring that no matter where a woman lives in the UK, or her ethnicity, she can get the ovarian cancer diagnosis, treatment and care she needs.In January 2022, seven pilot projects were awarded funding through the programme targeted a wide range of issues in the current system, in a bid to improve the access to high quality care for more women. 18 months later we now have the results of these innovative pilots. Presenting the results at the annual BGCS conference is the first step to share the learnings with other cancer centres across the UK to help drive wider changes and improved health services for women. Important learnings from the programme include:1. Setting up a prehabilitation clinic for ovarian cancer patients is feasible, acceptable with patients, cost effective for the NHS, and improves patients health before they begin cancer treatment. 2. A “One Stop Shop” to reduce the number of patient appointments into one day is acceptable to patients and reduces the time from diagnosis to treatment.3. Regional multi-centre MDT discussions can increase the proportion of patients receiving surgery4. When patients do not have English as their first language, information on genetic testing can be delivered using innovative methods to ensure testing is more likely to be accepted.“Women have been living with the inequality gap in care and treatment for too long and now is the time for action and change. Our IMPROVE UK pilots have been a huge success, with a phenomenal amount achieved over just 18 months. The determination of the teams involved has been inspiring and now we need to ensure that the learnings are spread across the whole of the UK.” Marie-Claire Platt, Head of Research and Policy of Ovarian Cancer Action.You can find out more about IMPROVE UK and the individual pilot projects



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  • Lucy Pedrick

    Senior Market Intelligence Specialist at UK Ministry of Defence and Interim Senior Manager, Systems and Reporting

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    **Ladies, lasses, girls, mothers, aunties, sisters, wives, mistresses…****This petition needs more signatures**Invest to guarantee women’s access to breast screening – now and for the future.Screening saves lives from breast cancer. But since the pandemic started, it is estimated over 1 million women have missed out on screening in England, and thousands may be living with undiagnosed breast cancer as a result. The Government must urgently invest in breast screening to prevent deaths.

    Petition: Invest to guarantee women’s access to breast screening – now and for the future



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  • MedTech Corporation


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    Help raise #SarcomaAwareness this July! It's #SarcomaAwareness Month #“LetstalkabouttheForgottenCancer"! Let's join together to raise vital awareness and fund research for bone sarcomas (primary bone cancer).Understanding Sarcoma:Sarcomas are a diverse group of cancers that can occur in any part of the body, including bones, muscles, fat, blood vessels, and other connective tissues. Unlike more common types of cancer, sarcoma accounts for only about 1% of all adult cancers. Unfortunately, this rarity often leads to delayed diagnosis and limited treatment options, making it even more crucial to bring attention to this disease.The Importance of World Sarcoma Month:World Sarcoma Month, observed every July, aims to increase awareness, encourage early detection, and promote research efforts for improved treatment options. By rallying individuals, organizations, and healthcare professionals around this cause, we can make significant strides in understanding and combating this forgotten cancer. Together, we can amplify the voices of sarcoma patients and their families and ensure they receive the support and attention they deserve.Breaking the Silence:Sarcoma patients face numerous challenges, both physical and emotional. The lack of knowledge about sarcoma can lead to misdiagnosis and inadequate treatment. Additionally, due to its rarity, many patients find themselves isolated, with limited access to support groups and resources. This World Sarcoma Month, let's break the silence surrounding sarcoma and encourage open conversations about this disease. By sharing stories, information, and resources, we can create a supportive environment for those affected by sarcoma.Raising Awareness:Raising awareness is a crucial step in addressing the challenges associated with sarcoma. During World Sarcoma Month, we can leverage various platforms to educate others about this forgotten cancer. Share information on social media, organize fundraising events, and collaborate with organizations that support sarcoma research and patient advocacy. By joining forces, we can create a global movement that fosters understanding and empathy.Supporting Sarcoma Patients:World Sarcoma Month is an opportunity to extend our support to sarcoma patients and their loved ones. Reach out to local support groups and organizations dedicated to sarcoma, offering your time, skills, or resources. By volunteering or donating, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by sarcoma. Let's ensure that no sarcoma patient feels alone or unheard.#SarcomaAwareness #people #world #society #qatar MedTech Corporation #healthcare #Medtechcorportaion

    • Joseph Dehonest Jordan on LinkedIn: FEBRUARY 29, 2024 FORECASTED GRANT NUMBER - CDC-RFA-DP-24-0061ELIGIBLE… (12)


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  • Ukeme Ekanem


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    Empowering Women: Understanding Breast CancerIt's crucial to raise awareness about the most common cancer affecting women worldwide. Breast cancer not only impacts physical health but also poses significant emotional and psychological challenges. Let's delve into key insights and empower each other with knowledge.Key Statistics:1. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women globally, with over 2 million new cases diagnosed annually.2. Early detection significantly improves survival rates. Regular screenings and self-examinations are vital.3. While rare, breast cancer can also affect men, emphasizing the importance of awareness for all genders.Empowerment through Awareness:1. Educate: Understanding the risk factors, symptoms, and available screenings empowers individuals to take charge of their health.2. Support: Providing support to those affected by breast cancer fosters a sense of community and reduces feelings of isolation.3. Advocate: Promoting research, fundraising, and policy initiatives advances progress in breast cancer prevention, treatment, and support services.Sharing personal experiences of breast cancer survivors and thrivers can inspire hope and solidarity within the community. These stories remind us of the resilience and strength found in facing adversity.Call to Action:1. Get Screened: Encourage regular mammograms and self-examinations.2. Support Research: Donate to organizations driving breast cancer research and innovation.3. Spread Awareness: Share educational resources and personal stories to raise awareness in your network.Together, let's continue to spread awareness, support those affected, and work towards a future without breast cancer. Empowered with knowledge and united in solidarity, we can make a difference in the fight against breast cancer. #BreastCancerAwareness #Empowerment #HealthAndWellness


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  • Jessica Jones

    Breast Cancer Research Nurse

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    Welcome to Stand Up 2 Breast Cancer, a non-profit organization committed to making a difference in the lives of those affected by breast cancer. With a strong dedication to providing resources and education, we strive to support individuals along their breast cancer journey. Through a variety of impactful activities, we work tirelessly to empower survivors, educate communities, and spread awareness about breast health and prevention.**Our Impactful Initiatives:**1. **Collaborating for Knowledge:** We've joined forces with Dr. Nia Bailey, DPA, M.A.Ed, RT(T) to amplify vital information about breast health and prevention. By sharing the stories of breast cancer thrivers, we aim to inspire and inform, creating a strong foundation of awareness and understanding.2. **Inclusive Online Community:** Stand Up 2 Breast Cancer is developing an online community called "Breasties of Color." This community offers a safe and empowering space for BIPOC and young women diagnosed with breast cancer. Through this platform, we empower voices, provide peer support, and offer resources for treatment-related information, emotional support, and mental well-being.3. **Raising Awareness about Breast Cancer Risk Factors:** In partnership with other non-profits and organizations , we're spreading awareness about genetics and breast density and there connection to breast cancer risk. We educate individuals about supplemental testing options for those with increased breast cancer risks, contributing to informed decisions and improved early detection.4. **Informative Social Presence:** Our active social media presence is dedicated to sharing informative videos and content about breast health, breast cancer, and advancements in treatment and research. By staying connected with the latest developments, we ensure our community is well-informed.5. **Clinical Trial Support:** We connect with breast cancer patients through social media to answer questions and provide education about clinical trials. By offering insight we aim to increase awareness to cutting-edge treatment options.At Stand Up 2 Breast Cancer, our mission is not just to fight breast cancer, but to uplift and support those affected by it. Through collaboration, education, and compassionate engagement, we strive to create a world where everyone impacted by breast cancer can stand up with strength, knowledge, and hope. Join us in making a meaningful impact.#standup2breastcancer #educate #empower #clinicaltrials #research #breastcancer

    • Joseph Dehonest Jordan on LinkedIn: FEBRUARY 29, 2024 FORECASTED GRANT NUMBER - CDC-RFA-DP-24-0061ELIGIBLE… (18)



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  • Fund for Public Health in NYC


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    🌸 As #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth draws to a close this October, let's continue to recognize its impact on everyone. This disease touches us all as we share a connection with someone affected by it. In New York City, this concern is especially pressing for non-Hispanic Black women. Collaborating with the NYC Department of Health, our dedicated team at FPHNYC is actively working to make a difference by introducing the newly launched Breast Cancer Patient Navigator Program and Breast Cancer Coalition. These initiatives are not just about increasing #breastcancerscreenings but uniting #healthcareinstitutions in the city to explore and address the underlying factors contributing to higher breast cancer mortality rates in disproportionately affected non-Hispanic Black women populations.Out goal is to forge a path toward a more equitable future where early detection, support, and collaboration lead to reduced breast cancer disparities and saved lives. Join us in this journey to spread #BreastCancerAwareness and make a meaningful impact. 🌸Learn more:

    Improving Equitable Access to High-Quality Breast Cancer Screening, Treatment and Care - Fund for Public Health in New York, Inc.


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  • Terri Coutee

    Founder/Director | Co-lead Shared Decision-Making Expert Group | Host: DiepCJourney Podcast

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    Nothing could be better for the #breastcancer #community than to find “their tribe” to feel a sense of belonging, familiarity, and the lived experience of others to guide the newly diagnosed through the decision process of care and treatment. It feels comfortable as long as the advice given is open-ended guiding the patient how to move forward.Sadly, forming separate tribes on social media in breast cancer advocacy happens but should not. It can potentially be detrimental to the entire breast cancer community when there are fractions and judgements made about choices from individual groups that are specific to one choice. The only right choice is the one the patient is comfortable. The only right choice is the one the patient is at peace making after ashared decision-making conversationwith their healthcare team.In the end, we are forged through our alliances. I feel strongly we must show the global community of those affected by breast cancer that when we demonstrate a united front, we are a formidable tribe.#patientadvocacy #nonprofitleadership #breastreconstruction #shareddecisionmaking supporting #sdg3

    Tribal Unity Sends all the Right Messages in Breast Cancer - DiepCjourney


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  • Lucy Pedrick

    Senior Market Intelligence Specialist at UK Ministry of Defence and Interim Senior Manager, Systems and Reporting

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    **Ladies, lasses, girls, mothers, aunties, sisters, wives, mistresses…**… and men too**This petition needs more signatures by 10 AUGUST**Invest to guarantee women’s access to breast screening – now and for the future.Screening saves lives from breast cancer. But since the pandemic started, it is estimated over 1 million women have missed out on screening in England, and thousands may be living with undiagnosed breast cancer as a result. The Government must urgently invest in breast screening to prevent deaths.

    Petition: Invest to guarantee women’s access to breast screening – now and for the future


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  • Sara Gardner

    Chief Executive Officer at Fund for Public Health NYC

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    🌸 As we conclude #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth this October, I want to emphasize that breast cancer remains a major focus in bettering NYC’s public health. Non-Hispanic black women experience the highest breast cancer mortality rates in NYC. To address this disparity, Fund for Public Health in NYC collaborated with the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to launch the Breast Cancer Navigator Program and Breast Cancer Coalition. 🌸These initiatives are dedicated to increasing breast cancer screenings and uniting healthcare institutions in the city. Our efforts work to better understand and target the underlying factors contributing to disproportionate breast cancer mortality rates among non-Hispanic black women in NYC. Together, we're forging a path toward a more equitable future where early detection, support, and collaboration lead to reduced breast cancer disparities and saved lives. Learn more about these exciting new initiatives to spread #BreastCancerAwareness. 🌸

    Improving Equitable Access to High-Quality Breast Cancer Screening, Treatment and Care - Fund for Public Health in New York, Inc.


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Joseph Dehonest Jordan on LinkedIn: FEBRUARY 29, 2024 FORECASTED GRANT NUMBER - CDC-RFA-DP-24-0061ELIGIBLE… (37)

Joseph Dehonest Jordan on LinkedIn: FEBRUARY 29, 2024 FORECASTED GRANT NUMBER - CDC-RFA-DP-24-0061ELIGIBLE… (38)


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Joseph Dehonest Jordan on LinkedIn: FEBRUARY 29, 2024


ELIGIBLE… (2024)


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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.